Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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Copyright and Author Stuff
The EvntShell library code and any demo or support programs supplied
with it are NOT Public Domain software. They are ShareWare which means
that if you use them and like them you should register with the
Author. The registration fee is £5.00 or 15Dm and this is to cover
postage and disks for sending updates.
You may distribute ShellLib, ShellLibRT or both with your own
applications. Library code may be appended to the user application if
required, and redundant routines may be removed. You may not alter the
library code, claim to have written it or make money on it. A note in
the application !Help file acknowledging the source of the library
code with details of how to obtain the full package would be
appreciated. A sample of the notice to be included with applications
using the library is called 'HelpText' and is in the !EvntShell
Previous versions of EvntShell prohibited distribution of any program
written using EvntShell by !Illusions, the disk magazine. The reason for
this was I received a copied issue of !Illusions which was infected by a
virus which then proceeded to cause me problems. I have been informed by
the Editor of !Illusions that his disks have never been protected by a
virus and I accept his assurances that this is the case. In view of this
Evntshell may now be freely distributed by any individual or PD library.
The heap manager routines are copyright Risc User and are used with
If you like this software (or even violently dislike it!) I would like
to know. The more people who write to me pointing out limitations and
bugs the quicker the software will be improved. If nobody tells me
about the problems they are highly unlikely to be fixed - it is also
no good telling the people running PD libraries about problems as they
will almost certainly be unable to help.
On the other hand you will get help from me, the author. If you have a
problem with using the software or suggestions for enhancement however
trivial the address is :
Paul Hobbs
Rheinpfalzstrasse 2
85049 Ingolstadt
Tel: +49 (0) 841 47467
Fax: +49 (0) 8458 6314
EMail : Paul.Hobbs@t-online.de
Despite the address I am English so don't be afraid to write. If you
are German and have got this far then you must be pretty good at
English anyway, but you can write to me in German as well.
It is not necessary to register with me to get help, you only need to
send money when you are satisfied that the software is useful to you.